About Our Company
Hi! I'm Jessica and I'm the Founder + CEO of eNVy formulations, thanks for checking us out!
I've always been the kind of human who overanalyzes everything - and sometimes it's a good thing. In 2019, I decided to make a CBD Serum for myself to manage my Lupus symptoms (rash + inflammation in my face among other fun stuff). After a couple months using my final formulation, I was psyched to have relief from the constant redness in my cheeks, and my teenage acne scars even started to fade!
While working on this project, I recognized that the skincare industry is filled with misleading information and frankly, a ton of products with questionable safety - they just haven't been tested. For this reason, we follow EU regulation standards, which means 1200+ ingredients are disallowed from our products due to potential toxicity. In addition, packaging waste is so 1990's, so to support a circular economy, we have a recycling discount program you can learn more about here.
I have an extensive background, with a BS in Chemical Engineering and a MS in Mechanical Engineering. While in school, I acquired a decade of experience managing quality control in an FDA regulated lab environment, and moved on to work for Tesla, on a mission to change the world. I'm nowhere near done; I'm just getting started.
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